Sarvodaya Ashram was founded in Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh with the objective to give a shape to the thoughts of Gandhi Ji and Vinoba Ji. Before the formation of the ashram, young colleagues were associated with different dimensions of Sarvodaya Movement in the leadership of Late Ramesh Bhai. All of them played active role in getting physical possession of the land received from Bhoodan-Gramdan, or from ceiling land of gram Samaj. In view of this the ashram gave preference to the programmes associated with land.
Vinoba Ji used to lay emphasis on turning Uttar Pradesh into Uttam Pradesh and conducting constructive actrivities by treating one district as intensive area. It is because of this that Hardoi was selected as area of intensive work.
In the first stage padyatras were organised in various development blocks of Hardoi district. Village Committees were formed in many villages. Rallies of landless agriculture labours, and marginal and small small farmers were organised at the block and district level. Attempt was made to get problems of rural area through people’s awakening raised through padyatras and congregations. In fact the entire group believed that effort to resolve problems through mass awakeing is the only meaningful and permanent effort and worked under this belief. As a resut, government facilities reached people on a large scale, landless got possession over allotted land and the officials resolved land related disputes on the spot. These activities provided the ashram not only wisespread base but also provided movement shape.
Since the ashram was established to tread on the ideals of Gandhi Ji and Vinoba Ji, all used to frequent his ashram at Pavnar, Vardha, in Maharashtra. After the death of Vinoba Ji, padyatras were organised till his terahavin (13th day of cremation). At the end of these padyatras, the villagers put forth resolution to establish an ashram on 6 acre barren land at Sikandarpur village so as to conduct developmental activities. Later on the District Magistrate of Hardoi allotted this land to the ashram.
At present many activities of the ashram are being run from here. The organisation has made its presence felt in many districts of the State. It has worked in over 25 districts through various projects of land development and education. Recently, it has worked with organsations of 45 districts on MNREGA programme.